The Churches
August 13, 2023 – August 27, 2023
Ever found yourself wondering why there are so many different churches? Is there one church that is more “right” than another church? How did we even get to this place if we all believe in the same God? Join us for a three-week series about the different churches and how we are all meant to be a part of the Church.
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What Makes a Church a Christian Church?
August 13, 2023 | Pastor John HillToday’s message from Pastor John Hill identifies 6 key standards to look for in a church to determine what a Christian church is! Don’t miss week 1 of our brand new series.
Churches are Like Trees
August 20, 2023 | Pastor John HillHave you ever wondered why different churches (and even different Christians!) have different rules, standards, or practices? This message brings light and clarity into why that is and how you can navigate your faith!
Why Does Church Feel So Yucky
August 27, 2023 | Pastor John HillSometimes, church doesn’t feel very good. The connections seem empty, the messages don’t quite seem to apply, and everything is just a little stale… but why does this happen and what can you do right now to bring life to your church and to a community of believers!? Check out the final week of this series from Pastor John Hill!