Am I Burned Out?
In this message Pastor John introduces our new sermon series, “Beating Burnout.” You will not want to miss this encouraging and eye-opening message on identifying burnout!
October 10, 2021 | Pastor John Hill
Anxiety | Fear | Identity | Work
Discussion Questions
Reflect on What You’ve Heard
- What is the difference between “Hi-key” and “Low-key” burnout?
- What kind of burnout do you think Elijah dealt with?
- Take a moment to work through the 11 markers of “Low-key” burnout. How many do you struggle with
- If you are in burnout (if you struggle with 9 or more of the above) take a moment to confess it to God and ask Him to heal you. The first step to beating burnout is admitting that you need help!
11 Signs of Lowkey Burnout
- Your passion dies
- You no longer feel the highs or the lows
- Little things make you disproportionately emotional
- Everybody drains you
- You become cynical
- Nothing satisfies you
- You can’t think straight
- Your productivity is dropping
- You are self-medicating
- You don’t laugh anymore
- Sleep and time off no longer refuel you
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