Find a Life Group

Not sure? Talk to a life group coordinator to find one that best fits you!

7:00 pm

15 – 99



Iron Sharpens Iron: Men’s Bible Study

Building Godly leaders through biblical wisdom and authentic brotherhood.

6 pm

18 & up


DeMotte / Wheatfield

The Chosen Mother: Hope + Grace For Mothers Of Special Needs Children

Are you a mother of a child with special needs?  Join our group to step into a supportive community of moms with special needs kids at home.  We will share experiences, explore faith, and find strength in God’s teachings as we navigate the unique challenges and blessings of raising children with special needs.  Childcare not available unless arrangements are made in advance.

7 pm - 8 pm

18 & up



Koonmen Group

Learning more about Jesus and growing our relationship with Him so that we can better understand His will in each of our lives.

Everyone Welcome

0 & up



Homeschool Connections

Open to families who homeschool!  We welcome you to join us for a safe, God centered, socialization experience for children.  Children will watch a Bible lesson from RightNow Media and then have time for free play, games, and crafts.  The selected RightNow Media content will be appropriate for the age ranges of kindergarten and elementary children.  Parents will have the opportunity to unite in Christian fellowship and build friendships.

Married / Couples

23 – 35



Young Couples Life Group

Our group is for young couples (married or planning to be) with or without kids. A place where we can join together to help each other through this crazy time of life.  We meet on the 2nd Wednesday of the month at 6:30 pm.

9:00 am

13 & up



Men Of Service Alliance

Men using their God given gifts and talents to invest in their community, each other, and eternally.

7:00 am

18 & up


DeMotte / Wheatfield

Authentic Manhood

This men’s group has guys from all walks of life and welcomes men no matter where they are at in their walk with Jesus. It’s a warm, friendly gathering. We don’t only have fellowship together, but we are also seeking to do the things that strengthen our relationship with our Savior. We’re doing Authentic Manhood from 33 The Series which is a multi-volume video series that gives men a vision for manhood as modeled by Jesus in his 33 years on earth.  Become who you were created to be!

5-7 pm
Everyone Welcome

18 & up



A Special Mission: Finding Peace and Purpose in Caregiving

We are all created for a purpose.  Some of us are called to care for a loved one with exceptional needs.  This life group is open to any and all caregivers that find themselves in this role.  Whether you are caring for a spouse, child, sibling, parent, in-law or you are a caregiver by vocation, God has a plan for you.  This role can take a real toll and steal your peace no matter how much you care for your loved one.  My goal for this life group is for you to experience the peace that surpasses all understanding Jesus.

Open to any age.  The 2nd Saturday of the month from 5-7 pm.  Childcare can be offered if asked ahead of time.

7-8:30 pm

18 & up



Anchor Men

Anchor Men Life Group is focused on helping new believers learn God’s word.  We will learn his word through several ways such as Right Now Media, YouVersion Bible studies, discussion of Pastor John’s message and sharing life experiences with fellow believers. We will hang out, watch a video, have discussion, then end in prayer.  Anchor yourself in God’s word and become a fully devoted follower of Jesus Christ!  We meet at First Church Hebron every 1st and 3rd Wednesday 7-8:30pm in the Generation’s Room.

9:00 am
Everyone Welcome

18 & up



Preparing our Hearts Advent Life Group

Join us this December as we gather to celebrate the Advent season!  Together, we’ll reflect on the hope, peace, joy, and love that Advent brings, as we prepare our hearts for the coming of Christ.  Each week, we’ll explore scriptures, share stories, and pray together, embracing the true meaning of Christmas.  Come, connect, and grow in faith with friends as we anticipate the joy of Christ’s birth.

We will do a 4 session study called Advent by J.D. Grear on Right Now Media.

10:30 am - 12 pm

16 & up



Serendipity Study

A bible study for women of all generations.   We will choose together a topic to study each week.  Please bring your bible. Only infants allowed.

6 pm

18 & up


DeMotte / Wheatfield

Faith Seeking Sisterhood

No matter where we are in life or what season we may be in, we surround ourselves with like minded women and let God mold and shape us to be more like Him together.

4 pm
Everyone Welcome, Married / Couples

50 & up


DeMotte / Wheatfield


Our group is all about getting to know each other and growing in our relationship with Jesus.  We are starting a new book on 1/12/25, called Kingdom Politics, by Tony Evans.  The link to purchase the book is below).  We discuss our book and watch the video first.  Then we share a meal where everyone brings something to the table.  Would love to have you join us!

5:30 pm

20 – 30


DeMotte / Wheatfield

Women Pursuing Worship

A group of women who are seeking to worship Jesus in every aspect of our lives!  This group will involve food, worship music, prayer and bible study followed by discussion questions.

5:45 pm

18 & up


DeMotte / Wheatfield

SURROUNDed By Sisterhood

Sister, no matter what stage of life you are in or the beliefs you hold, you are invited to join us in learning to live in the fullness of the woman God has created you to be by rooting your identity in Jesus.  Our BIG Sisterhood gatherings are on March 8th and October 11th but we couldn’t be more excited to do life together ALL year!


18 & up


DeMotte / Wheatfield

Thriving in Motherhood

A lot of times we feel like we’re just Surviving in Motherhood, but God shows us how we can be Thriving in Motherhood. It’s a great opportunity to meet other moms or to catch up with ladies you’re great friends with. We have moms of all ages and stages! All are welcomed! We would love to have you join us!

6:30pm CT
Everyone Welcome

17 & up


DeMotte / Wheatfield, Hebron

The Great Adventure

This group seeks to help people grow in relationship to Jesus, during seasons of life when in-person attendance is not possible due to employment, long-term travel or health reasons. The group is open to adults with or without children.

If you’d like to join this group, the group leaders will contact you to explain how their remote meeting will work.

6:30 pm - 7:45 pm
Middle School

11 – 14


DeMotte / Wheatfield

Middle School Girls Life Group

This life group is for middle school age girls who are looking to gain friendships, learn more about God, and just have fun together.  We always do a craft to start off the evening.   Each girl will get their own prayer journal.  We’re doing a video/book series called Wake Up.  There’s always food at our meeting.  We hang out and talk. It will be SUCH fun!  It’s a great life group for you to invite your friends to.

8-9 am

23 – 80


DeMotte / Wheatfield, Hebron

Mom & Me Sisterhood

Looking for a way to intentionally set aside time to share the encouragement of Sisterhood with your daughter?  You and your daughter, ages 7 – 11, are welcome to join this group.  There will be no childcare for children outside this age range.  This group is for both Wheatfield and Hebron Campus churches but will meet at the Wheatfield location.

There will be opportunities to have meaningful one-on-one discussions with your daughter and engage in activities that point to God’s truth on Sisterhood topics.

Super excited for how God will grow your and your daughter’s relationship with Him and with each other this year!

Day of the week and time is yet to be determined.

7 PM - 9 PM

20 – 80



Men’s Life Group

Meeting weekly on Wednesdays from 7 – 9 pm at my home in Kouts.  I will be contacting everyone who wants to join the group.

9:30 am

18 & up



Sisterhood Morning Moms- Hebron

A life group of moms gathering to grow relationships with each other and with the Lord.

Sisterhood Morning Moms life group will meet at Hebron once a month, the second Tuesday at 9:30am. The FirstBrew is open if you’d like to grab a coffee. Childcare with a craft and a snack will be provided.

What to expect, before the meet up I will send you a link to watch a sisterhood strong roots podcast. Then during our time together we will discuss the topics featured in that month’s podcast.

My prayer for this group is that each woman feels encouraged and most importantly grows closer to the Lord.

6 pm
Married / Couples

18 – 40


DeMotte / Wheatfield

Family Foundations

This life group is intended for married couples with kids.  Our goal is to, as a group, strengthen our marriages and build a foundation for Christian parenting.  We continually work on being examples for our children to become fully devoted followers of Christ.

7:00 pm

18 & up


DeMotte / Wheatfield, Hebron

Sons of Redemption: Men’s Group

How to live a Godly life in an UnGodly world.

5:30 pm

18 & up


DeMotte / Wheatfield

Sisterhood Soul Sisters

Women walking through life together and lifting one another up, while growing closer to Jesus.  Come join us in celebrating God’s Word, His presence and His gift of grace and mercy.  We spend time together every other Thursday drinking coffee and snacking.

6:15 pm

20 & up


DeMotte / Wheatfield

Well Watered Women

We are a group of women, young and old, married and single, who love God and want to grow closer to Jesus as we do life together through devotionals, videos, discussion, and prayer.  Come and join us on the first and third Wednesday of the month at 6:15 pm!!

7 pm - 9 pm

18 – 35


DeMotte / Wheatfield

Young Singles

Each month we have two gatherings:

For The:  Girls/Guys Meets in a home for an in-depth discussion of a hot-topic within the context of your same gender.

For The:  Singles Co-ed group at First Church – Wheatfield with games and food, followed by a short in-person message from leaders in our church!

Between our gatherings we go to lunch, have lake days, play pickleball, and look for opportunities to grow together in faith and friendship!



1:30 pm

30 & up



Jean’s Lady’s Life Group

Women desiring Christian fellowship to learn more about how to love as Jesus loves.  Through scripture study, prayer, sharing life experiences and offering encouragement to one another, we will grow stronger in our walk with Christ and better equipped to face life’s challenges.

9 am - 11 am

18 & up


DeMotte / Wheatfield

Wings (Psalm 91:4)

We love to crochet, knit, loom knit, etc and we love to use the gifts that God blessed us with to provide warmth, hope and comfort to those in need!  We’ve made blue hats for the kids in NXT GEN for anti-bullying awareness, prayer shawls for those who need comfort, slippers, gloves, washclothes, wheelchair afghans for our local nursing homes, pocket prayer shawls for hospitals and red/white/blue lapghans for veterans.  A couple of our members are crocheting sleep mats of plastic grocery bags for homeless people.  Everybody is welcome and if you don’t know how to knit, loom knit or crochet, we can teach you!

5pm or 6pm
Married / Couples

40 – 50


DeMotte / Wheatfield

The Shock’s Group

Our life group is for married couples with families who are having a hard time fitting in.  If you need real, authentic fellowship, come join us!  We focus on marriage, family, vision and growing our relationship with Christ.

6:30 pm- 8:00 pm

18 & up



Sisterhood Life Group

Sister, no matter what stage of life you are in or the beliefs that you hold, you are invited to join us in learning how to live like Jesus through spiritual disciplines.  Our BIG Sisterhood gatherings are in March and October this year but we couldn’t be more excited to do life together ALL year!

11:30 am
Everyone Welcome

40 – 60



The Good’s Group

We meet at the Hebron campus church every other Sunday after the 10:30 am service.

9:30 - 11:30 am

16 – 45


DeMotte / Wheatfield

Moms Meetup

Join us the first Thursday of each month for a God centered community!  Looking for a supportive group of moms with younger aged children?  Then come check us out!

Each meetup we discuss an in depth faith based question followed by prayer.  The rest of the time is spent enjoying our kids, and each others company with brunch themed snacks.  Come and go anytime between 9:30-11:30 am.  We understand every mom’s morning schedule is different!

Although we love having our kids with us please note there is no childcare provided.  Each mom is responsible for watching their children.  Weather dependent, we will meet outside if we can!

10 am - 12 pm

18 – 65


DeMotte / Wheatfield

Faith Filled Friends

Life can be tricky.  We get busy with the day to day activities and seem to do the same thing over and over again.  This group is for ladies to dig deeper into the Word together.  To do life together, encourage one another, and have each other through the mundane.  Come join us as we lift one another up and deepen our faith together.

6 pm

18 & up


DeMotte / Wheatfield

Manhunt For Masculinity

A place where men can come together to be who they are.  No hiding, but willing to change, learn, grow and accept who they are as a man and the responsibility that comes with that.  A place to share ideas to better carry that load as a man of God.

6:00 pm
Everyone Welcome

18 & up


DeMotte / Wheatfield


All are welcome to “Come and See” as our group takes a closer look at The Chosen.  If you have never heard of The Chosen, it is the first ever multi-season tv show about Jesus.  No matter where you are in your journey with Jesus Christ, The Chosen has something to offer.  Each group meeting we will watch one episode.  We are starting Season 4 soon!   After viewing the episode, we will take a look at scripture references, then discuss and reflect on what we saw.  This will be an informal, fun group.  If you’re interested, please join us!  And bring a friend!

6 pm

15 – 35


DeMotte / Wheatfield

The Messy Table

The Messy Table Life Group is a space for real women, imperfect stories, and Gospel-infused hope.  Let’s share a meal, enjoy faith-fueled conversations and encouragement for wherever we are at in faith.

7 pm
Everyone Welcome

35 – 65


DeMotte / Wheatfield

Nash Parenting Teens & Young Adults

Group for parents of teens and young adults.  We plan to have some studies directly on parenting teens and also cover some teen hot topic studies to prepare us for possible questions our kids are facing about their faith, pressures society puts on our teens and how to address issues.  We will use RightNow Media videos and have time for discussion.  Our goal is to be supportive to each other as we walk out our faith with our kids through the hard stuff in life.


20 – 35



Awake Soul Sisterhood Life Group

If you’re looking to get through your 20’s/30’s with faith filled sisters, we are your group! –

*we will be meeting monthly on the 3rd Monday.

*children 1 and under are welcome/possible childcare available if needed

2:30 pm - 4 pm
Everyone Welcome

58 – 85


DeMotte / Wheatfield

Seniors Aging Together

A group of older adults sharing our lives together and caring for each other.  We enjoy spending time together.  We enjoy studying God’s Word together.  We enjoy a meal together and sharing what is happening in our lives.

We are going to start watching and discussing “The Chosen”.  Our plan is to view it at church and discuss it that day.  We plan on meeting on Sunday afternoons.


60 – 78


DeMotte / Wheatfield

Sue’s Life Group

A small but welcoming group of women. We meet once a month and we always take time at our meetings for prayer requests for others as well as for ourselves, and pray together.

7 pm
Married / Couples

25 – 55


DeMotte / Wheatfield

Building Community With Married Couples

Our group is for married couples who want to grow deeper in their faith while building a community together.  A community where we can support, share and encourage each other in whatever path God is taking us.  We hope to share snacks and fellowship while discussing previous sermons, a series from RightNow Media or wherever God is leading our group!

6:30 pm
Married / Couples

20 – 35


DeMotte / Wheatfield

Growing Together

We are a group of married and engaged couples, growing together as individuals, couples and with each other as we deepen our relationship with Christ.  We share food and fellowship as we do life together.

Children under 1 year of age can be brought with to our group.  For older children we ask that you find childcare for them.

7 pm - 9 pm

18 – 35



Young Singles

Each month we have two gatherings:

For The:  Girls/Guys Meets in a home in DeMotte for an in-depth discussion of a hot-topic within the context of your same gender.

For The:  Singles Co-ed group at First Church – Wheatfield with games and food, followed by a short in-person message from leaders in our church!

Between gatherings we go to lunch, have lake days, play pickleball, and look for opportunities to grow together in faith and friendship!

6 pm

15 – 20



Our Sisterhood Era

Hello ladies, prepare to be in your SISTERHOOD ERA!!! Being a young woman in this era (high school & college) is a challenge that should not be faced alone! I will be leading the high school/ early college Sisterhood life group. My goal for this group is for young women to develop a strong relationship with Jesus. Discuss topics like: body image, anxiety, and sisterhood just to name a few 😉. Sisterhood might sound familiar, right? First Church for the past couple years has hosted Sisterhood events in order to bring women of the community together and hear a biblical message that pertains to their life! My wish is that many young women will walk away with lasting friendships built on the foundation of Jesus!

What to expect:

1. We will meet in the Hebron Generations Room (the room with the big window and tv in it!) ✨

2. Chat for a few minutes (ice breakers)🫶🏻


4. Watch an episode of the Strong Roots Podcast!!! (How FUN?!)💕

5. Have a guided discussion regarding the topic discussed in the Podcast!🤩

(I would also like to have certain days that we watch a “Right Now” video, and have a “special guest” talk with you guys and have them give their testimony! I think it is so important and convicting to hear other people’s testimonies!)😌💕

✨I hope you’re as excited about this group as I am! The definition of “sisterhood” is as follows: a relationship between sisters, or a community of women linked by a common interest. Our interest: “Jesus” . I want this group to be a ✨SISTERHOOD✨, not just because that is our title. I want you to get more than just deep discussions out of this group, but find a community where you can lean on Jesus together now and lead others in the future to Jesus!



6 pm - 8 pm

60 & up


DeMotte / Wheatfield

Silver Singles

Join us as we fellowship together and grow together into a deeper relationship with Jesus.  Learn to enjoy God’s word with new friends.  We’re going to be doing the study “Experiencing God”.  Click the link below to purchase your book.

Our group will be starting on Tuesday, September 12th and we will be meeting monthly at our home.

10:00 am-12:00pm

18 & up



Ladies Laid-Back Life Group

Are you interested in growing closer to JESUS and our sisters in Christ?  Would you like help, support and encouragement as we walk through this life together?  Would you like to do the same for others?  Then join our new ladies social life group!  No videos, no books, no work-books, no homework and absolutely NO PRESSURE!  We will start with a devotional, gather prayer requests, pray and then let the SPIRIT lead us in conversation!  We’d love for you to join us!

6:30 pm

21 – 50


DeMotte / Wheatfield

Forged Men’s Group

Welcome!  We try to focus our group on biblical ways to become a more Godly man, and how we can become better providers and leaders for our families and others around us.  The word “Forged” comes from Proverbs 27:17 — “As iron sharpens iron, so a friend sharpens a friend”.  Our average night usually consists of sharing a meal, then watching a video series from RightNow Media.  We then have a discussion about the topics that were covered in the video.  Our group is mainly outdoorsy young men ages 25-35, but we do have some members much younger and older.  Unfortunately we do not currently have any form of childcare.  Thank you for taking a look at our group.  We are always welcoming and thankful for new members.

Married / Couples

25 – 40


DeMotte / Wheatfield

Faithful Families

We are a group of married couples with young children who believe that friends become family. Our goal is to be sanctified more like Jesus with each meeting, so we are better able to be lights in our every day lives.  Our hope is to pass on this light to future generations, especially our own.   We use RightNow Media videos, sermon discussions, and good old-fashioned Bible studies.

12-1 pm

11 – 14



Hebron Sisterhood Middle School Life Group

This group is for girls in grades 6-8 who are looking to take one step closer to Jesus and to learn practical ways to root your identity in who Jesus created you to be!

6:30 pm
Married / Couples

45 – 90


DeMotte / Wheatfield

God Centered Couples

Growing closer to God as couples as we begin the new adventure of empty nesters (or even if you’ve been an empty nester for a long time!).

Starting October 3, 2024

2 pm
Everyone Welcome

35 – 60


DeMotte / Wheatfield

It’s A Wonderful Life Group

Our life group is made up of people in most stages of life from parents of young children to teens and some grandparents too.  We also are a group of different stages of spiritual growth from new believers to life long Jesus followers.  Our group enjoys spending time building community through our service project, the Backpack Ministry, where we volunteer about once a month.

5:30 pm

45 – 78


DeMotte / Wheatfield

First Ladies

Monthly gathering (on the 2nd Wednesday) of ladies to discuss and grow in God’s word, to be encouraging and uplifting in sad times and to rejoice with each other in happy times, while enjoying a little snack together and sharing in Christ’s love. “For where two or three gather together as my followers, I am there among them.” Matthew 18:20

6 pm central

16 & up


DeMotte / Wheatfield


Women empowering women in Christ.  We will meet biweekly at Brick Built Cafe + Coworking in Rensselaer, to grow in Faith, Family and Friendship.

Kiddos are welcome if you have no sitter/spouse option but preferable “adults” only so we can get into the Word without interruptions.

6 pm - 7:30 pm
Married / Couples

21 – 35


DeMotte / Wheatfield

Partners With A Purpose

Once you are married, or find yourself in a serious relationship, it can be difficult to navigate using your independent gifts alongside of your partner’s, to further God’s Kingdom.  If you want to do more for God’s Kingdom together, but aren’t sure how, you aren’t alone!  We are the group for you!


9:45 am
Everyone Welcome

20 & up


DeMotte / Wheatfield

The Iron Club (Proverbs 27:17)

As Iron sharpens iron, so a friend sharpens a friend.  (Proverbs 27:17)

We are a motley bunch of adults.  Some of us still have small children in the house, some of us still have adult children living in the house (sigh), some of us are grandparents (awesome)!  So, as you can see, just about anybody would be a good fit in our group.  We like to meet on Sunday after the first service because it fits into our schedule and those with kids are able to drop them off at First Kids.

6:30 pm
Married / Couples

0 – 60


DeMotte / Wheatfield

Community: Couples + Kids

Welcome to our group dedicated to building strong relationships and making a positive impact on each other’s lives.  Our group is designed for couples with kids who are seeking a supportive and faith-driven environment to grow together in their journey.  Through meaningful connections, shared experiences, and spiritual guidance, we aim to create a close-knit community that uplifts, encourages, and supports each other in both the joys and challenges of family life.  Using a combination of the YouVersion Bible app, RightNow Media, and relevant Sunday messages, we will learn more about our faith and teach both our kids and each other about Jesus.  Our group will start off the evening with a dedicated lesson for your kids straight from FirstKids curriculum, then move onto a session for the adults.

6 pm

50 – 80


DeMotte / Wheatfield

Molly’s Life Group

Our group is starting the book “Kingdom Authority” in September 2024.  In this study, Dr. Tony Evans will show you how to anchor your life in God’s kingdom authority.  At our meetings, we gather in my great room to visit, pray, watch the video that goes with the chapter, and discuss it.   No pressure to talk at our meetings.  You can totally just sit and listen.  And, if you’re not a reader don’t let that stop you from joining our group.  We’d still love to have you and you can just watch the video with us.  We all take turns bringing a dessert to be enjoyed by all after the meeting.  That always seems to happen in the kitchen.  The link to purchase the book is below.

6:30 pm

18 & up


DeMotte / Wheatfield

Sisterhood *MOM* Life Group

Mama, no matter what stage of life you are in or the beliefs that you hold, you are invited to join us in learning how to live like Jesus through being a godly friend.


18 – 99



Overcoming the Struggle

Are you feeling exhausted, overwhelmed, or hopeless?  Life can be a lot to handle sometimes, but thankfully you don’t have to do it alone!  No matter what stage of life you are in or what’s causing your struggling heart, this group is for you.  Join as we discuss what the Bible says about getting through the valleys of depression and anxiety.  Feel God’s love and the support of other women with the same struggle.

6-7:30 pm
Married / Couples

18 & up



Love & Respect; The Love She Most Desires; The Respect He Desperately Needs

Are you looking to strengthen your marriage and deepen your connection with your spouse?  Come and join us in our Love & Respect Life Group!  In Love & Respect couples can find:
•    How to break down the communication code between spouses
•    How to handle conflict in a relationship
•    How to build respect for one another
•    How to foster a deep love for one another
•    How to rekindle passion for one another
Taking God’s biblical practice of marriage and applying it with practical techniques, Emerson Eggerichs shows how mutual Love and Respect can balance a marriage and encourage a successful relationship.We cannot wait to learn and grow in our marriage with God and you!!

*There will be childcare available for a small fee.

*The life group will begin on Saturday, February 22nd and continue for 10 weeks.

*Purchase of the book is optional, we will be watching the Love & Respect Videos followed by group and couple discussions.  We cannot wait to learn and grow in our marriage with God and you!

9-10 am

18 – 45


DeMotte / Wheatfield

Mama Bears & Their Cubs

A time for moms to meet with other moms, go through a devotional, and talk through the discussion questions together.  Kids welcome!

6 pm
Everyone Welcome

25 – 99



The Elam Group

Join us as we come together to explore and discuss our journey being (or becoming) fully devoted followers of Christ.  Once a month we will meet to watch a short video from RightNow Media and discuss, eat, and have fun connecting with one another.

6:30 pm - 8 pm
Married / Couples

21 – 35


DeMotte / Wheatfield

Friday Night Lifegroup

Friday Night Lifegroup is a place where married couples can meet every 3 weeks to learn more about Jesus together and build relationships, and have fun doing it! We typically use Right Now Media to work through different video series, challenging us and teaching us how to strengthen our marriage, grow our kids up in the faith, and grow our Bible knowledge! We alternate between meeting at the Wheatfield Campus to meeting at someone’s house.

6 pm

18 & up


DeMotte / Wheatfield

Double S Sisterhood

No matter what season of life you’re in, come join us and dive deeper into who we are in Christ.  This life group is all about encouraging you to grow spiritually, to be able to share life’s highs and lows, to be authentic and real, and spur one another on to be who God says we are!

6-7:30 pm

18 & up



Sisterhood Journey

Hello Sister in Christ, we will be starting The Joy of Seeking God First Oct 24th at 6 pm in the Generations Room.  This study helps you prioritize time alone with God on a daily basis.  You’ll be challenged to live out in practical ways to “seek first the Kingdom of God”

6:00-7:00 pm
Shared Interest

18 & up



Nxt Gen Parent Life Group

This group is for parents of the Nxt Gen Youth Group, Hebron Campus. While your student is learning about God with their peers, we can also examine the word through Pastor John’s sermons, Right Now Media, the Bible App etc.. We will do a different activity like games, something crafty, potluck night, etc. each night, but God will always be the center of our group! I will post all the information needed on the Church Center App, in a group called “Nxt Gen Parent Life Group”.

If interested, drop your student off at Nxt Gen then come and join us!  Other children are welcome with you but no formal childcare will be available.  I hope to see you there!

7 pm - 8:30 pm

18 – 99


DeMotte / Wheatfield

Fishers Of Men

This group is for men, young and old.  We learn through scripture and RightNow Media plans together with the goal to help men to be authentic Christian leaders at home and work.

6 pm - 7:30 pm
Shared Interest

10 – 18


DeMotte / Wheatfield

Growing Faith For Teens And Their Parents

This group is for parents and their middle school or high school age kids.  We will be walking alongside our kids to help strengthen their relationship and identities in Christ.  All kids are welcome if there are younger siblings but the devotional/Bible study is more geared to middle school and high school age.

6 pm - 8 pm
Everyone Welcome

18 & up


DeMotte / Wheatfield


A GriefShare support group is a safe, welcoming place where people understand the difficult emotions of grief. Through this 13-week group, you’ll discover what to expect in the days ahead and what’s “normal” in grief. Since there are no neat, orderly stages of grief, you’ll learn helpful ways of coping with grief, in all its unpredictability—and gain solid support each step of the way.

Each weekly GriefShare group begins with a 30-minute video featuring respected experts on grief-related topics and helpful stories from people who have experienced loss. Their insights will help you manage your emotions, gain clarity, and find answers to your questions as you walk through the grief process.

After the video, you and the other group members will spend time discussing what was presented in the video and what is going on in your lives. Talking with other people who understand what you’re experiencing brings great comfort, normalizes the grief experience, and offers a supportive environment to work through your grief.

Our group will meet on Thursdays, January 30 – April 24.  We’ll be meeting in the Wheatfield Campus Generations Room.  When registering for the group, you’ll also be purchasing your GriefShare Participant Guide which is $20.

6 pm

25 – 85


DeMotte / Wheatfield

Patty’s Life Group Gals

Bringing ladies together to make friends by spending time together and studying God’s word.  Growing closer to God.

6 pm

30 & up


DeMotte / Wheatfield

L.I.F.T. (Living In Faith Together)

Ready to grow in your faith and relationships with other women who love God?  Welcome to a community of women LIFTing each other up through Bible study, God’s Word, and sharing of our life’s experiences.  We are excited for you to join us!

Meets the first and third Wednesdays of every month, at 6 pm, starting January 2024.  We will be meeting at my home in Rensselaer.

7 pm
Everyone Welcome

0 – 80


DeMotte / Wheatfield, Hebron

Grupo De Vida En Español / Spanish Life Group

¡Todos son bienvenidos!  En este grupo de vida podrás conectarte con la comunidad en español de First Church, mientras estudiamos la Palabra de Dios, oramos y compartimos en familia.  Nuestro grupo se reunirá en el campus de Wheatfield.

Everyone is welcome!  In this life group you will be able to connect with the Spanish community of First Church, while we study the Word of God, pray and share as a family.  Our group will be meeting at the Wheatfield Campus Church.

7 pm - 8:30 pm
Married / Couples

20 – 29


DeMotte / Wheatfield

Young Couples Group

Our young couples group meets twice a month (2nd & 4th Monday) to learn how to apply God’s truth to our lives.  Our content will come from RightNow Media and from sermon series.  The topics will be adaptable to those in the group and allow opportunities for input.

6 pm

30 & up



Finding A Better You

Finding A Better You is a life group for women to share a healthy lifestyle within pursuit of Jesus Christ.  We will grow stronger in Christ as He walks through our anxiety, stress, and weight issues with us.  Come learn and share in our safe place of no judgement.  We will be meeting at the Hebron campus on the 1st and 3rd Wednesday of the month.

5 pm
Everyone Welcome

35 & up


DeMotte / Wheatfield

Common Ground

This group is for those wanting to come together and share God’s Word while building friendships and community in Christ.

6:00 pm

22 – 102



Dudes and Disc Golf

A group of men that play disc golf while learning and growing together.

7 pm

20 & up


DeMotte / Wheatfield

Men on a Mission

This group is for men 20 plus years old. We do RightNow Media plans together. Our goal is to help men become authentic Christian leaders of their homes and workplaces.

5pm- 7pm
Everyone Welcome

0 & up



Walking Together, Learning In Faith

No matter how much we organize and plan, life gets hectic!  No surprise, we don’t always get it right.  Kids, schools, work, errands, keeping up with all the things . . . . . . how do we find time for God?  This life group does just that.  We make intentional time to focus on God.  We lean on others and support one another to build a stronger foundation rooted in faith.  Everyone is welcome, we will have space for kids.  We’ll do a light meal, fellowship and devote specific time for God’s work and how we can apply His teaching to our daily lives.

6 pm - 7 pm

25 & up


DeMotte / Wheatfield

Seeking Sisters

Are you seeking friendships, spiritual growth, or just a way to connect with the women in your community?  If so, Seeking Sisters is the perfect place for you.  Gathering together on the 2nd Thursday of each month from 6-7 pm.  Meeting at a local business in Rensselaer (Brick Built Real Estate Cafe & Networking).