Life Groups

Sisterhood Morning Moms- Hebron

Hebron Campus

A life group of moms gathering to grow relationships with each other and with the Lord.

Sisterhood Morning Moms life group will meet at Hebron once a month, the second Tuesday at 9:30am. The FirstBrew is open if you’d like to grab a coffee. Childcare with a craft and a snack will be provided.

What to expect, before the meet up I will send you a link to watch a sisterhood strong roots podcast. Then during our time together we will discuss the topics featured in that month’s podcast.

My prayer for this group is that each woman feels encouraged and most importantly grows closer to the Lord.

Monthly on Tuesdays at 9:30 am

Community Type

Group Meeting Location

Hebron Campus Church

18 & up

Ashley Mullins and Dana Cruse

Children Welcome?

Interested in this life group?

Send us your information and we’ll get back to you as soon as possible!