Stay Accountable
Season 4 Episode 7
Check out the last episode of season 4 where Kristin and Kandis discuss why keeping accountable through an accountability partner is so important!
Accountability Questions:
- Are the “visible” you and the “real” you being consistent?
- What one sin plagued you this month?
- Have you committed any sexual sins or emotionally fantasized in the wrong way?
- Are you giving faithfully?
- Are you serving with excellence and a good attitude?
- Who did you invite to church or actively share your faith with this month?
- Who did you pursue for Jesus intentionally this month?
- Is there a healthy balance between work and home life?
- What significant thing did you do for / with your spouse / family?
- Did you accomplish your spiritual goals this month?
- Have you been dishonest in answering any of these questions?
December 18, 2019 | Kristin Hill with Kandis
Discipline | Encouragement | Sin