Messages / No Reason to Hide: Standing For Christ in a Collapsing Culture

You Have One Job

God tells us that we have no reason to hide even in the face of a culture and society that seems to hate Him, but sometimes it feels like our culture is pulling the life out of us no matter what we do. This message is challenging, encouraging, and you won’t want to miss it!

October 13, 2024 | Pastor John Hill

Discussion Questions
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  1. Have you ever felt like you had “one job” to do and totally failed? What did that experience teach you, and how did you handle it afterward?
  2. What challenges do you see in our culture today that make it hard to stand firm in your faith? Do you feel like these challenges impact your personal beliefs or faith journey?
  3. When it comes to the story of the Israelites in the Bible, why do you think they struggled so much with keeping God first? Do you find any of those struggles relatable in today’s world?
  4. Is there anything in your life right now that you feel is taking priority over your relationship with God? How do you think you can shift your focus back to Him if that’s the case?