Messages / Word of the Year 2023

Word of the Year 2023

Pastor John Hill reveals the 2023 word of the year! This message gives vision to the next year and encourages Christian’s to rise up and live wholeheartedly!

January 8, 2023 | Pastor John Hill

Discussion Questions
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Reflect on What You’ve Heard

  1. What percent of your life do you live halfhearted?
  2. What is your biggest fear of living wholehearted?
  3. What part of David’s wholehearted faith inspires you the most? What part of David’s wholehearted faith feels the most unattainable?
  4. What area of your life are the most halfhearted? i.e. work, home, kids, marriage, etc.
  5. What step could take this week to give more of your heart to those areas?

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