Messages / No Reason to Hide: Standing For Christ in a Collapsing Culture

Overcoming An Inconsistent Faith

If you’ve ever thought your faith felt inconsistent or felt like you were back sliding, you’re not alone! This week, we look at a classic Bible story in a new light and Pastor John Hill answers the question: “How can I overcome inconsistency in my faith?

October 27, 2024 | Pastor John Hill

Discussion Questions
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  1. Talk about a time you said “I will never…” but eventually ended up compromising that.
  2. In the story of Nebuchadnezzar, we see a cycle of spiritual clarity followed by a return to self-centeredness. How do you see this pattern reflected in your own life or in society today? What are some ways we can break that cycle?
  3. What are some personal “idols” or desires that can challenge your commitment to God? How do you overcome these?
  4. How does regular time with God (through prayer, Bible study, or community) impact your ability to stay strong in faith? What are some ways you can build greater consistency?
  5. What does your long-term picture of faith look like? How can you make decisions today that align with that long-term vision?