I Love My Church
August 7, 2016 – September 4, 2016
First Church isn’t just a building; it’s a movement. It’s a place where God changes lives and people take next steps. That’s why we love our church! It’s more than a weekly gathering; it’s a family. Come celebrate and get excited about the best parts of our church!
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Rescued People Rescue People
August 7, 2016 | Pastor John HillToday we hear Testimonies from people whose lives were dramatically rescued by Jesus. Once you’ve been rescued, you turn around and start rescuing others. You tell people about what Jesus did for you!
Saved People Serve People
August 14, 2016 | Pastor John HillChurch isn’t all about “me.” Jesus didn’t come to be served but to serve. When we follow Jesus as our leader and forgiver we should serve others just like Jesus did.
How To Get Through A Crisis Of Faith
August 21, 2016 | Pastor John HillNobody is perfect, everybody wavers, but that doesn’t mean God wants us to be content with anything less than his very best plan for our lives. Growing people change when they are following Jesus, and we need other people to help us with those changes.
Hope For The Hopeless
August 28, 2016 | Jeff WrightToday, First Church got a real treat! We got to here from Pastor Jeff Wright, (the man who taught Pastor John to preach). He delivered a power message about hope, even when it feels like you’re too far gone to even dream about hope.
Grace Leads To Generosity
September 4, 2016 | Isaiah DeMossGod’s grace leads to our generosity. Pastor Isaiah showed us how God dares us to give back to him because he wants to show off with how he will fill your life with so many more blessings.