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The Problem With Contentment
September 15, 2024 | Pastor John HillContentment seems like a great thing to strive towards, but there is a sneaky little lie that seeking earthly contentment reveals. If you want to do great things for God or if you want to learn how to have a contentment that transcends earthly things you won’t want to miss this message!
Content With Good Enough
September 22, 2024 | Pastor John HillSometimes we fall into little patterns where we become content with just “good enough” and it holds us back from experiencing growth and God’s plan for our lives fully. In this message, Pastor John Hill talks about the key areas where we might slip into “good enough” and how we can overcome those habits with God’s Word!
Serve Better
September 29, 2024 | Pastor John HillA lot of us would say that we think serving matters, even that it’s a good thing, but it can be easy to say one thing and do another. If you want to serve God, serve the church, and serve other’s better, you won’t want to miss this message!