relentless capital campaign
The pledges has been made… find out more information below!
we never stop
Part of being relentless as a church includes a new campus in Hebron, Indiana.
This page is dedicated to our capital campaign to make this campus happen.

we never stop
As our church family has grown, we have recognized that we are reaching our current building’s capacity. We considered making an addition to our current building, but found that it would be prohibitively expensive. We also recognized the fact that there is no church like ours in the town of Hebron. Because God calls us not to just stay but go and make disciples, we believe this to be the economical and wise obedience we can find in that call.
construction cost
we never stop
Current costs are estimated to be at $3,000,000 including building purchase. However, costs might change. We intend to have the construction drawings complete by the time we finish the capital campaign.
capital campaign
we never stop
This capital campaign provides us with an opportunity to challenge one another to prayerfully consider our individual involvement in our personal commitments to the Lord. While finances committed will enable us to build our new facility, our ultimate vision is to become fully committed disciples in all areas of life.
permanent investment
we never stop
That which we keep for ourselves can be lost, but that which we willingly give away can never be lost. The gifts you give for the purpose of expanding God’s Kingdom here will flourish and bear fruit as God adds His blessing to your faithfulness.