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Living as a Christian in Today’s World

The Secret History of the Church
August 29, 2021 // Pastor John Hill

Pastor John, talks about the increasing difficulty of living in America while being a Christian, and how we as followers of Christ must remain steadfast in how we live out our faith.

Sermon Discussion Questions

Reflect on What You’ve Heard

  1. Which of the 4 main points is easiest for you?
  2. Which of the 4 main points do you struggle with the most?
  3. Share an example of a time you exemplified one of the 4 main points.
  4. Share an example of a time you failed at living out one of the 4 main points.
  5. What is one way you can apply your weakest point this week?
  • 4 Main Points from Todays Sermon
  • 1: Must determine not to defile ourselves
  • 2: Be respectful and kind to people outside our value set
  • 3: Be winsome and captivating
  • 4: Invite people to follow God