Nomination Ballot | Due on Jan. 28
It’s already time to prayerfully consider who will be part of our Leadership Team by electing our new elder and deacon for the upcoming year. This process may not seem like a big deal, but it is a HUGE deal. Recently, I’ve talked with several pastors who are experiencing major struggles in their church because of disunity within their Leadership Teams.
For the last nine years of my life serving here, I’ve had the BEST Leadership Team I could imagine–wise, kind, and godly men who have shepherded and guided our church through so many things. Please prayerfully consider who to nominate for this next year.
Last year, I asked you to pray that God would fill our buildings and allow us to put another life-giving location in a new community. God is still answering that prayer. We as a church have grown by over 19% year over year, and we continue to see God blessing us. As you select a leader this year, some things I think the church will face are:
- Increasing temptation to please people rather than God
- Growth that calls us to add services and locations
- Transitioning the role of leadership team from medium church to large church strategies.
Please prayerfully consider whom you might nominate from our list of members. The men of our Leadership Team don’t get much credit, but they really are the key that God has used to bring our church through this amazing year! Thanks in advance for helping us continue to move forward!
In Christ,
Pastor John HillÂ
Leadership Team:
Elder and Deacon
Job Description:
- Be an example to the church as a soul winner and disciple maker.
- Bring wisdom, insight, and discernment to high-level decisions in the process of moving First Church towards its vision.
- Be a leader in bringing positive energy, momentum, and excitement.
- Oversee church finances.
- Attend monthly meetings.
*Please note that John Allen, Nick DeKryger, Ron Fieldhouse, Dan Lagestee, Darla McKim, Kevin Oezer, Callie Terborg, Mark Terborg, Starla Van Soest, and Jason Whitt are not up for election at this time.
*Spouses of those currently serving are not eligible to serve at the same time.
Nomination Team
Job Description:
- Â Be passionate about disciple making and soul winning.
- Lead and execute nomination process for all areas.
- Move the vision and mission of First Church forward.
** Please note that John Allen, Nick DeKryger, Ron Fieldhouse, Dan Lagestee, Darla McKim, Kevin Oezer, Callie Terborg, and Mark Terborg are not up for election at this time.
*Immediate family members may not serve together.
Staff Elder
Job Description:
- Sacerdotal responsibilities including weddings, baptisms, communion, and funerals.
- No role on Leadership Team.
Hey church,
I also wanted you to know that this year, as with some past years, we are asking you to consider another staff elder. Andrew Stroup is our Family Ministries Director and has been an incredible addition to our team.
A former missionary from the Dominican Republic, Andrew brings a mature, wise, and godly leadership to our youth and children’s programming, and we are so thankful for him. Ordaining him as an elder will increase our capacity as a church to care for God’s people.
Thanks in advance for considering him. If you have any questions please email me at